GESS Secondary 1 (2023) e Registration Website
On behalf of all staff and students, we welcome you and your child/ward to our Gessian family! Your child is now part of a well-established school that has, for more than 137 years, produced Gessians of Excellence, Standing and Significance.
We have uploaded all the relevant information for the Secondary 1 (2023) e-Registration on this website.
(1) Online Information Form
Secondary 1 Registration will open at 8:00am on Thursday, 22 December 2022. You can access the link to complete the Online Information Form to confirm your child’s/ward’s registration as a student of GESS. Alternatively, you may scan the QR Code to access the form
If you intend to transfer your child to another school, you will still need to register him/her with us first by completing the Online Information Form. You may then proceed with the transfer process to another school.
Our Online Information Form will also help us to collate other information we will need for administrative purposes like your child’s/ward’s medical condition (if any), cohort T-shirt size, whether parents are on-board Parents Gateway (PG) and a short feedback on the registration process.
Parents can also use this platform to ask any question(s) they may still have after our presentation.
(2) Secondary 1 (2023) e-Registration Webinar
To share with you some of the key information about the school as well as administrative matters pertaining to the registration process, we will be conducting a Zoom Webinar at 9.00 am on 22 December 2022. The details of the webinar will be sent to parents via PG.
(3) Class Allocation
Details of the Secondary 1 class allocation have been sent to all parents via PG.
For parents who are not on-board PG, your child’s/ward’s Form Teacher would send you a WhatsApp message informing you of your child’s/ward’s class.
(4) Purchase of Books and School Uniform
For the purchase of books and school uniform, please refer to the following links for the necessary information:
· Purchase of Books - /school-information/school-bookshop-and-booklists/
· Purchase of School Uniform - Please access the link below for more information:
· For students who are on Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS), parents are to collect the FAS Authorisation Letter from the GESS General Office before proceeding to collect the books and school uniform.
(5) Subject-Based Banding (SBB) Offer
For students in the N(T) or N(A) streams who are offered SBB subjects, the Form Teachers will be calling the parents during the e-Registration on 22 December 2022 to confirm if the child is taking up these subjects.
A hardcopy of the offer letter will be issued to the students on the first day of school. Please submit the completed offer letter to the school by 5 January 2023.
(6) Mother Tongue Languages Matters
Please access the link below for information on Mother Tongue Languages:
Sec 1 students who have been successfully offered MSP in Zhonghua Secondary School, please register via the link below:
The student is required to complete the online form from 22 December 2022 (0700 hr) to 5 Jan 2023 (2359 hr), if he/she accept the offer to take up MSP in Zhonghua Secondary School.
If successful applicants do not register by 5 January 2023, the offer will lapse and the place will be offered to another applicant
Please refer to MALAY SPECIAL PROGRAMME for more information
For further queries pertaining to Mother Tongue Languages, please contact Ms See Bee Keow (Head of Department / Mother Tongue Languages) via email at [email protected].
(7) First Day of School Programme
All Secondary 1 students are to reach school and report at the Arena (school’ parade square) by 7.30 am, on Tuesday, 3 January 2023. Students who have yet to purchase their GESS school uniform may report in their primary school uniform.
All students are required to bring the following items:
· an appropriate storybook for the Silent Reading Programme;
· notebook and writing materials;
· thermometer for temperature taking exercise; and
· payment for PTA Membership ($24.00)
Please access the link below for the first day of school programme:
First Day of School Programme (for Sec 1)
(8) Secondary 1 GESS Camp
To familiarise the Secondary 1 students with the rich history and culture of GESS as well as to ease students’ transition into secondary school life, all Sec 1 students will take part in the Secondary 1 GESS Camp conducted by the Student Leaders’ Committee.
The camp is non-residential and will take place on 4 January (7.30 am to 4.00pm) and 5 January (7.30 am to 4.30 pm) 2023 in school. Meals will be catered for your child/ward for these two days. Please ensure that you update your child’s/ward’s medical condition and dietary restrictions (if any) through the Online Information Form.
Please access the link below for more information on the Secondary 1 GESS Camp programme.
2023 Secondary 1 GESS Camp Programme
(9) Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Membership
All parents are automatically members of the GESS PTA. The school will be making a one-time collection of $24.00 based on an annual subscription of $6.00 per year. The amount collected will be used to support school activities like the supervised self-study programme.
Students with older siblings in GESS would only be required to make payment for the remaining years they have left in GESS upon graduation of their older siblings. (e.g. if a parent has an older child in Secondary 4 2022, she will only need to make a payment of $18.00 for the remaining three years in GESS of her younger child, i.e for 2023 to 2025.)
The school hopes to promote greater parent involvement in school activities as well as PTA related matters. Kindly complete the PTA registration form via the link:
Alternatively, you may scan the QR code below to access the PTA registration form:
(10) Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)
For parents who have successfully applied for Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) in the child’s primary school or if their child has siblings under FAS in another school, they may come to the GESS General Office with the FAS approval form from their child’s primary or sibling’s schools to collect the authorisation letter for collection of textbooks and school uniform.
For new FAS applications, parents may refer to the MOE FAS Brochure for more information on the criteria and benefits of the scheme. Parents can either download and complete the FAS Application Form as shared in the link below or come to the General Office during office hours to get the hardcopy form.
For Secondary 1 students who have older siblings currently in GESS under FAS, please check whether their names have been included in their older siblings’ application form when they applied for FAS in GESS previously.
· If Yes, the school will issue the authorisation letter for the collection of textbooks and school uniform to both the Secondary 1 student and their sibling.
· If No, parents would need to submit a new FAS application form for the Secondary 1 student.
Parents may approach the school’s General Office for assistance from Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5 pm.
FAS application will take about 1-2 weeks to process. Do submit all the necessary documents as stated in the application form to avoid delay. Parents will be notified of the outcome via phone call from the school.
(11) Art Elective Programme (AEP) and Music Elective Programme (MEP)
Students who are interested in the Art or Music Elective Programme at an external centre may refer to the following link for more information:
AEP and MEP Information Slides
For further queries pertaining to AEP and MEP, please contact
Mr Tan Kay Chuan ([email protected]) for AEP or
Ms Vino ([email protected]) for MEP.
(12) Road Safety
The safety of your child is of utmost importance to us and it is essential that our students and parents observe the rules with regards to road safety. Please access the link below for our school’s guidelines on road safety.
(13) School Smart Card (SSC)
All students entering Secondary 1 will be issued a new Secondary Level SSC. While waiting for their new SSC to be ready, Secondary 1 students can continue to use their Primary Level SSC for concessionary travel till end of April 2023. Secondary 1 students can purchase the Bus Concession Pass (BCP) using their Primary Level SSC but they will need to purchase the BCP for secondary school students.
(14) Photo-taking for Secondary 1 Students
There will be a photo-taking session for all Secondary 1 students in February 2023. Photographs will be used for the students’ report book and school cockpit system. The 8 passport-sized photographs will cost $4.00 and the money is to be paid straight to the photographer on the day itself.
More information on the date of the photo-taking will be provided at a later time.
(15) Hardcopy Forms to be issued on the First Day of School
Do take note of the following forms which will be issued to your child/ward for follow up on the first day of school:
· Student Particulars Form
· Offer Letter for SBB*
· Offer Letter for HMT*
(*if applicable)
Please complete and return the forms to the Form Teachers via your child by 5 January 2023.
(16) Parents Gateway (PG)
We would like to encourage all parents to come on board PG and to check it regularly as the school uses it as the main platform for communications with parents.
Please access the links below for more information on PG as well as the on boarding process.
PG On boarding Video for Parents
(17) e-GIRO
We would like to encourage parents to register for e-GIRO if you have not done so. Please click on the link below for more information:
User Guide on e-GIRO application
(18) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please access the link below for FAQs pertaining to the Secondary 1 e-Registration.
If you have further queries, you may contact Mr Clarence Loh (Year Head) via email at [email protected] or Mr Teo Peng Kee (Year Head), via email at [email protected].
With the strong support of parents, staff and students of GESS, we hope to see your child/ward transit well to his/her secondary school life!