Home Based and Student Initiated Learning
Home-based Learning (HBL) in GESS
Blended Learning a key feature of the Gessian schooling experience, and an integral platform through which we develop our students to be self-directed, passionate, and life-long learners. As part of students’ Blended Learning experience, HBL Days are held once a fortnight and are incorporated into the school timetable. HBL days and learning packages are designed such that students will take the lead in directing and managing their own learning using their Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) procured at the start of Secondary 1.
Objective of HBL in GESS
The objective of HBL in GESS is to further develop Gessians to be self-directed, independent, passionate, and intrinsically motivated learners.
GESS HBL Approach
On the scheduled HBL Day, students’ learning takes place through a less structured approach compared to a typical school day. HBL Day typically begins with a zoom ‘check-in’ conducted by the Form Teacher (FT) at 7.45am, during which the FT will check on students’ well-being and discuss the various learning activities of the day. Thereafter, the student’s learning is largely done asynchronously, meaning that lessons do not require real-time interaction with the teachers. However, students will be engaged in learning tasks that are uploaded on a central platform – such as the Student Learning Space (SLS), or Google Classroom. This asynchronous approach helps to cater to students who learn at different paces.
On HBL days, time will also be set aside for Student-Initiated Learning (SIL) and Online Digital Literacy lessons. 30 minutes of digital literacy modules via an SLS self-paced package will be for lower secondary students only.

Objectives of SIL in GESS
- To provide an opportunity for Gessians to learn to be an independent, passionate and be lifelong learners
- To dedicate time during HBL days for Gessians to discover their interests, pursue their passions and pick up new skills within and beyond school hours.
CCE Outcomes
GESS SIL Approach
GESS SIL is incorporated into the HBL timetable. During the HBL days, student may use the time set aside (1 hour per HBL day) to pursue their own interests and learn beyond the curriculum. GESS will also provide some suggested activities and resources for students who need more guidance.
More information will be provided on the SIL Google Sites in January 2023.